German engineer and physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen has come to life in an AI-generated video in which he explains why he named his 1895 discovery “x-rays.”
The clip, published on Vimeo and made available in a September 15 article in Cureus, illustrates how AI-powered multimedia technologies present a transformative opportunity in radiology, according to its creators.
“Utilizing tools such as Midjourney, RunwaymL Gen2, D-ID, and ElevenLabs, we aimed to reincarnate deceased influential physicists in radiology, demonstrating AI's capability to generate realistic content with accessible tools, fostering creativity and innovation in the radiology community,” noted lead author Ramin Javan, MD, a neuroradiologist at George Washington University in Washington, DC.
Navid Mostaghni, a medical student at California University of Science and Medicine, in Colton, CA, is co-author of the article. The pair developed the AI-generated video using D-ID from an initial image generated using Midjourney v5.2.
Original image of Roentgen used to generate the video.Video and image available for republishing under Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0 DEED, Attribution 4.0 International) and courtesy of Cureus.
The authors also used the tools to generate photorealistic portraits of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Pierre and Marie Curie, and Christian Doppler.
“Our examination of image generation, video synthesis, and voice cloning demonstrates the potential of these tools to revolutionize education, communication, and visualization in radiology,” the authors wrote.
Potential applications in radiology include improving and speeding up medical 3D visualization, as well as enhancing educational content, information delivery, patient interactions, and teleconsultations, they noted.
The full article is available here.
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