GUSI introduces Sage AI tool for ultrasound learners

The Global Ultrasound Institute (GUSI) has released Sage AI, an AI tool that answers open-ended ultrasound-related questions.

Sage AI adds to GUSI's scanHub training platform, which aims to help healthcare practitioners gain competency in using point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) across a range of medical specialties. Answers given by Sage AI are fully referenced, are accompanied by ultrasound images and video clips drawn from GUSI's pathology library, and can be delivered in more than 80 different languages.

Sage AI incorporates the GUSI's library of educational assets, which includes course materials, videos, images, and teaching sessions. The GUSI has incorporated a curated list of knowledge sources for POCUS.

Sage AI is currently available free of charge for all registered users of


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